
Growing Hydroponic Cannabis….

Growing hydroponic cannabis using coco coir as a growing medium is a popular and effective method that provides control over the growing environment, nutrient delivery, and overall plant health. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow hydroponic cannabis using coco coir:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow hydroponic cannabis indoors:

1. Gather Your Supplies:

You will need containers or pots, coco coir growing medium, a hydroponic nutrient solution formulated for cannabis, pH and EC meters, grow lights, a ventilation system, and an indoor environment with temperature and humidity control. We can supply all the coco coir growing media according your requirements.

2. Set Up the Growing Space:

Choose a suitable indoor space for your hydroponic cannabis garden. Ensure that the space is well-ventilated and can be sealed off from light leaks during the flowering stage.

3. Prepare the Coco Coir:

Rehydrate the coco coir by soaking it in water until it expands and becomes moist. Drain off excess water and ensure it is well-aerated before using it as the growing medium.

4. Germinate Cannabis Seeds or Use Clones:

Start with high-quality cannabis seeds or clones from a reputable source. Germinate the seeds or prepare the clones before transplanting them into the coco coir.

5. Transplant Seedlings or Clones:

Once your seedlings or clones have developed roots, transplant them into the coco coir in your chosen containers or pots. Ensure that the root system is well-established before proceeding.

6. Nutrient Solution:

Prepare a hydroponic nutrient solution specifically formulated for cannabis. Adjust the pH level to be in the range of 5.5 to 6.5 and monitor and maintain the electrical conductivity (EC) level within the recommended range for cannabis.

7. Lighting:

Cannabis plants require a specific light cycle for vegetative and flowering stages. Use high quality grow lights such as HPS, MH, or LED lights to provide the necessary light intensity and duration.

8. Temperature and Humidity Control:

Maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels depending on the growth stage. Generally, keep temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Humidity levels should be around 40-50% during the vegetative stage and around 30-40% during flowering.

9. Pruning and Training:

Prune your cannabis plants as they grow to remove excess foliage and encourage better airflow and light penetration. Consider training techniques like topping, low-stress training (LST), or ScrOG (Screen of Green) to control plant shape and optimize yields.

10. Pollination (If Growing Regular Cannabis):

If you’re growing regular cannabis and not feminized seeds, be cautious about pollination. Female plants should be kept away from male plants to avoid unwanted seeds.

11. Pest and Disease Control:

Regularly inspect your cannabis plants for pests and diseases. Implement organic or hydroponic-specific pest control methods and maintain a clean growing environment to prevent issues.

12. Harvesting:

Harvest cannabis buds when they have reached the desired level of maturity and trichome development. Dry and cure the buds properly for the best flavor and potency.


Growing hydroponic cannabis in coco coir allows for precise control over nutrient delivery and growing conditions, resulting in healthy and potent plants. Keep in mind that cannabis cultivation may be subject to legal restrictions in your area, so be sure to comply with local laws and regulations.


185/B Rohitha, Madagama, Panirendawa, NWP, Sri Lanka